Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh my heck it seems like it has been a million years since I have been on here. Well where to Start? We never ease into summer at our house it is always a face first belly flop right into the sesason. First things First Jessica's Birthday Party.... Well I guess we did okay this year, I managed to fashion some sort of guitar cake for her Hannah Montana Party and the house was full of guests even her long lost cousins on her dad's side of whom we are so lucky to have gotten in touch with. However, no matter how exciting it was it is always nerve wracking for me. I let her invite a few friends and anyone that knows me well knows that I dont do small children very well despite being a mom and having 3 children, Kids & me are like oil and water dont get me wrong I love my kids but I am just akward with children.
As if my life isn't crazy enough those of you who know where I work or a little about what is going on in there the last month will understand the extreme stress I have been under. Despite all the clean up and chaos I am actually enjoying my job better. I really like it there these days and ALI and HEIDI have been awesome I love you girls. Troy hasn't been half bad either. I am just hoping I can make it through the summer.
Jeremy's Birthday is Monday and I miss him tonz he is in Montana and I am not sure when he will be home I am hoping he makes it home by next weekend cause that is my birthday.
Ryan and Jessica will be leaving soon to go with Karli and Kody. Karli will be picking up Ryan on the seventh and Jessica will be flying out on the 10th and to be honest I am looking forward to the break. I hope to get the house deep cleaned and there rooms gutted and all school clothes shopped for before the come home ont the weekend of August 8th.
Jaxon is doing okay he has been a little difficult lately I dont really know what his deal is he is pulling himself up on the furniture and crawling everywhere almost 10 months old and still no teeth what the heck I am hoping that is part of his problem cause if it isn't I dont know what is wrong with him.
I will be picking up nikki on the 10 when I drop of Jessica at the airport and I cant wait for her to come down she is a big help I really appreciate the extra hands when she is around. I have to go now screaming kids but I will write again soon I promise I will try not to let it go 2 months again.