Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well my Nice challenge was basically a big flop I was nice but I wasn't really reporting back what I discovered is it is easy for me to be nice I do however have a hard time when some on is a jackass. On to another note Halloween has come and gone and I am great full however I am not loving the fight with my 3 year old he is all sorts of Jacked up on Sugar and when I take it away he will just find where I hid it I swear that kid can climb walls. He wore the most adorable tin man costume that my Mom made. Jessica was a cat. And Ryan was a Cop. We had a great night trunk or treating and then going trick or treating. I have gotten the chance to take down all the Halloween Decorations in my house and put up my Thanksgiving ones which is great the house looks all comfy and cozy for The Holidays coming up. I am really missing Jeremy and I cant wait until he gets home soon I am so happy that he is still working It will really make the winter a little easier for us I was really really worried that we would not make it while he was laid off. I am working 2 Jobs now one at the store and I am working from Home for Suanne Hoffman. Well I have lots of Laundry to put away so I will check in soon meanwhile I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of November as much as I am!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nothing but Nice Day 2

Well my nothing but nice day 2 was okay I had no problems at work but I did have harder time projecting loving words to my very very very grumpy 3 year old he was kind of a little shit last night and I loose my patience with him very quickly but he did get to bed and I got some piece and quiet

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nothing but Nice Day 1

Okay so day one went by just fine I did find however that I don't know how to get rid of someone bothering me at work without being an ass so instead I had to listen to a guy who looked very much like Larry the cable guy talk to me for like a hour some stinky truck driver, Now I have my opinions about truck drivers not all are bad in fact there are some that come in the store that I just absolutely love however a good majority of them drive me crazy, some that are lonely and have a lot to say and then there are the ass holes yes that is right folks some drivers are assholes. But all in all today was not that bad there was nobody to piss me off so being nice was easy so now I am on to day 2.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nothing but nice

Okay I am a bitch it is true I am so horrible I am mean and I dont care what you think and sometimes I like to start a fight just to get some of my anger out so here is what I am going to do about it. I am going to start small with a & Day Challenge for myself I am thinking that not only do I need to be kind with my words but I need to show one small act of kindness a day this is going to be hard I am not sure what I will do tomorrow it is going to be a long day and Monday's are me worst but I will give it a shot I will report back tomorrow

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Looking for a fight

I am having a terrible day I didn't realize it was a bad day until I got home and thought to myself you have been looking for a fight all week... What is wrong with me, I learned a long time ago that anger stems from deep seeded sadness, so what am I sad about?... Well I had some water heater, family Drama last week that had me in tears for hours that's right folks hours, I completely lost it. my Mother of course spent hours driving me crazy with the intent to help solve my problem. God bless her heart she was very helpful but I was in no place to be around anyone. I love fall and I am sad that my husband is not here to enjoy it with me I know that. There is also alot of animosity here at home the kids are fighting non stop and I know that they are feeding off of me. I have been very cruel with my words to them lately and I know that is not fair.I am also coming to the realization that my life is going by to quickly. Have I hit my midlife ccrisis? I guess I need to ponder on that for a while but meanwhile I will try not to look like this girl....

Thursday, January 13, 2011


SO here I am drinking this dainty little Rockstar trying to wake up this morning I was so tired I opted to go strait to the fridge for the Rockstar instead of going for the Coffee this morning. So my sleeping in is getting better I am up around 8 :30 most of the time except for yesterday when I was up at 5:45 thanks to my son but it was good I got my grocery shopping done early and was home to enjoy my day. I need to get ready for today jump in the shower and try to manage this mess on my head I call hair I hate it it drives me crazy I need a definate new hair do but I will probably stick to the same old thing my only other option at this point is to cut it and that is not about to happen not shorter anyway maybe a simple trim I am thinking bangs next time.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Smiths 01/12/2010

Well I am home from shopping this morning and let me say I spent more than I wanted but the savings were not that bad. lets just start from right to left shall we....
2 Gallons of Viva Milk 2.59/1.59 with coupon
1 Gallon of Smiths Milk 1.99
2 Packs of Batteries 1.00 ea
1 Nail Polish Remover 1.00 ea
2 boxes of Jose Ole Taquitos 3.49/2.49/1.99 after coupons and discounts
2 Tombstone Pizza's 2.19 ea
1 international delights Creamer 2.49 :( (not my favorite price but I was out of Creamer)
5 pkgs of Bar S Hot Dogs 69 cents ea
1 Square Loaf of sour dough bread 1.99
1 pkg of Pork Loin Chops 10.97
kroger Alchohol 1.00
1 Imperial margarine 70 cents
4 Lean Cuisine Market Creations 1.09 ea
koolaid jammers 1.77 ea
2lb Package of Cheese7.99/6.99 after Coupon
1 Bag of Cotton Balls 1.00
1 Package of comforts diapers 4.99
2 Toaster Strudle 1.50 ea after coupons
3 pkg of Flipz 1.00 ea
2 hillshire farms meats 3.00/2.45 ea after coupons
3 pkg candy junior mints butter finger and crunch 1.00 ea
1 pkg chicken drumsticks 3.90 ea
Total Before Coupons and Discounts
Thats a savings of 44%

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Oh my god I am so sleepy so I got up around 8:30 despite my alarms yes that is plural I set three going off at 6:00 6:15 and 6:30 I slept right through them but I was up before 10 that is a good start the first place I went was straight to my Coffee pot and brewed a nice cup of Joe. I drank about three cups before I could function without a scowl on my face but I was up before 10 and that is doing better. Maybe I wont strive for such an early time tomorrow lets try for 8:00 that is a half and hour earlier. I will keep you posted...on another note I have Bunco Tonight woo hoo I actually have only plaid Bunco once at a tournament for the make a wish foundation in Mesquite so I actually do not know how to play but with plenty of Maragritas to go around and a few bloody mary's it wont matter I will make up my own rules I will have to tell you how it goes tonight maybe they will kick me off their team. haha that is probably what will happen

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sleeping in

I am in serious trouble. I have not been able to get up past 10 am for a week now I hate it I waste me whole day I am staying up too late and I cant sleep well this stops today I am wasting my life away in bed not to mention time with my family. I am going to drug my self up on Tylenol PM tonight at like 9 and go to bed I hope to be up and drinking coffee by 6 :30 so for the first time this year I can see my kids off to school and maybe have some alone time before the monster wakes up. I will report tomorrow and how successful I was with this until then sweet dreams

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tiny Green Cabbages

Tonight we had Brussel Sprouts, this week in our wonderful co-op we were given these tiny little cabbages. We have gotten these before and I am sad to say that I let them go Bad and I threw them away. ( hahaha that was not supposed to rhyme) I was not going to let that happen so tonight I got online and tried to find a way to prepare these wonderful green veggies which by the way are packed with great vitamins and nutrients. So this is what I found....

Brussels Sprouts Cheesy Casserole Recipe

Cheddar cheese adds a nice cheesy taste to brussels sprouts!

2 (10 oz.) pkgs. frozen Brussels sprouts (I used fresh and just steamed them)
2 slightly beaten eggs
1 1/2 c. soft bread crumbs (2 slices)
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
2 tbsp. chopped onion
2 tbsp. butter, melted

Cook Brussels sprouts according to package directions; drain. Cut sprouts into fourths and set aside.

Combine eggs, half the crumbs, soup, cheese, onion, and dash pepper. Fold in sprouts.

Transfer to a 1 1/2-quart casserole. Combine remaining crumbs and butter; sprinkle atop sprouts. Bake uncovered in a 350 degree oven for 35 minutes.

Makes 6-8 servings. --www.cooks.com.

Now I tried this let me just say it was pretty good I used to much salt thought we love salt at our house but the cream of mushroom and butter which was salted added a little to much salt. Did I mention the SALT!!! I served this yummy dish on the side with some elk steak that I beat to death and battered in egg and flout with a little more salt and pepper and some other seasonings and to round it all out I added some crescent rolls. I LOVE CRESCENT ROLLS.

Just thought I would share my odd but pretty good, nice and fattening dinner with my few readers to give you something new to try if you are like me and desperate for some easy but new dining options.