Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back to School!!!!!

Back to school Hooray! We met our teachers tonight and I think I really like them both. I am not sure the kids are as excited as I am but I couldn't be more thrilled. Class Starts tomorrow at 8 am I am sure my mom is excited too. Ryan went to the dentist yesterday and he had 3 teeth pulled but Jessica was fine as far as the dentist goes However she did have to go to the doctor today for a BEE sting she is allergic and her allergy just gets worse and worse I am thinking we may need to carry and epi pen from now on. Jer said he might be coming home but I think all he is going to do is elk hunt they are out of oil already for the job so things could get scary, But for now things are good School is starting life couldn't be better.

Monday, August 10, 2009

8 is Great !!!!

8 Things I look forward to...
1. Seeing Jeremy
2. School Starting
3. Work Getting Easier
4. My Next Movie with the Girls
5. This Weekend
6. Getting My Nails Done Next Week
7. New Years Party At Rogers
8. Halloween with the Kids

8 Things I did Yesterday...
1. Went to the Airport to get Jessica
2. Ate Dinner with Erin and Ben
3. Talked on the phone to Jeremy
4. Cleaned a good portion of the House
5. Watched Army Wives
6. Made Dinner for my kids for the first time in a month we had BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
7. put my new comforter set on my bed
8. Chased Jaxon around the house for hours

8 Things I wish I could do...
1. Finish School
2. Take a Week of Work
3. Take my kids to Disney Land
4. Truly inspire someone
5. Loose 15 lbs
6. Quit Smoking ( I know I know I can I have done it before I am just not ready yet)
7. Buy Jeremy A new truck
8. Take a trip to Mexico

8 Shows I watch
1.Desperate Housewives
2. Nip/Tuck
3. Armywives
4. Random stuff on the history channel
5. Hung
6. True Blood ( I am really confused because I only catch it every so often)
7. The Office
8. House M.D.

Friends I am Tagging
1. Amy
2. Ali
3. Jen
4. Paige

Welcome Back

The kids made it home. I picked Jessica up at the Airport at 4:40 her plane was right on time and I almost didn't make to the gate they left her suitcase on the plane which was a whole other disater. Then the Traffice and the 50 bucks I had to pay to park for and hour okay I am exaggerating a little but it is rediculous we pay for plane tickets and then we have to pay to park too. But we made it home. Ryan and Jessica were very happy to see eachother and Jaxon was extatic. Amy Graduated Massage school last week and we are all very proud of her. Way to go Amy! I have been just working to death but truthfuly I love my job and couldnt ask for better people to work with Troy has been great Ali, Heidi, Christina and Jen are Great Friends and I am even learning to Tolerate Nate. J is still working I havent seen him in three weeks now and I am getting lonesome so I think I may go out and visit him this weekend if I can get a sitter I am not taking the kids on a 6 hour one way drive that is suicide, or at the very least loss of my sanity which I have very little left of anyway.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

They are Finally coming home up until about 3 hours ago I was dreading the arival of my oldest two children but I just got dont talking to both of them and I miss them something terribly dont get me wrong I love them and miss them when they are gone but it has been nice to just have some alone time. Jaxon however has been a handful. I dont think I realized how big of a help the kids are with him until they are gone, and they have missed so much he crawling up on his knees he was army crawling when they left, walking along furniture and standing on his own. I have so much to do tommorow to get ready for them to come home. Their rooms are a disaster I thought they were clean when they left and no on has been in them. What the heck? The house is a disaster I havent cleaned in a month cause I have had no one to clean up after but myself and quite frankly I dont want to clean up after myself so for the last month I havent Jeremy is still in Battle Mountain but I am hoping he will be home this weekend maybe tomorrow night the kids wont be here until Sunday night though so he will just miss them. I am sure they have changed so much it seems like every year when they come back they are so tan from all the summer fun and the swimming. I miss them tonz and I am looking forward to school starting I am getting very excited. Just thought you all should know they will be coming home Sunday. :)