Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nothing but Nice Day 2

Well my nothing but nice day 2 was okay I had no problems at work but I did have harder time projecting loving words to my very very very grumpy 3 year old he was kind of a little shit last night and I loose my patience with him very quickly but he did get to bed and I got some piece and quiet

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nothing but Nice Day 1

Okay so day one went by just fine I did find however that I don't know how to get rid of someone bothering me at work without being an ass so instead I had to listen to a guy who looked very much like Larry the cable guy talk to me for like a hour some stinky truck driver, Now I have my opinions about truck drivers not all are bad in fact there are some that come in the store that I just absolutely love however a good majority of them drive me crazy, some that are lonely and have a lot to say and then there are the ass holes yes that is right folks some drivers are assholes. But all in all today was not that bad there was nobody to piss me off so being nice was easy so now I am on to day 2.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nothing but nice

Okay I am a bitch it is true I am so horrible I am mean and I dont care what you think and sometimes I like to start a fight just to get some of my anger out so here is what I am going to do about it. I am going to start small with a & Day Challenge for myself I am thinking that not only do I need to be kind with my words but I need to show one small act of kindness a day this is going to be hard I am not sure what I will do tomorrow it is going to be a long day and Monday's are me worst but I will give it a shot I will report back tomorrow

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Looking for a fight

I am having a terrible day I didn't realize it was a bad day until I got home and thought to myself you have been looking for a fight all week... What is wrong with me, I learned a long time ago that anger stems from deep seeded sadness, so what am I sad about?... Well I had some water heater, family Drama last week that had me in tears for hours that's right folks hours, I completely lost it. my Mother of course spent hours driving me crazy with the intent to help solve my problem. God bless her heart she was very helpful but I was in no place to be around anyone. I love fall and I am sad that my husband is not here to enjoy it with me I know that. There is also alot of animosity here at home the kids are fighting non stop and I know that they are feeding off of me. I have been very cruel with my words to them lately and I know that is not fair.I am also coming to the realization that my life is going by to quickly. Have I hit my midlife ccrisis? I guess I need to ponder on that for a while but meanwhile I will try not to look like this girl....